Blackbird at the Well,
the new Fellwalker album,
is out now
Written and performed by James Lavino & Cynthia Hopkins.
With drumming by Dave King (The Bad Plus)
and Charlie Hall (The War on Drugs)
Mixed and produced by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.
click to stream:
Or listen to "The Opening" here:
Season Two of my podcast,
Alternate Sides, has launched
Season Two covers films from 1983-1992, and includes Fatal Attraction, The Silence of the Lambs, and Do the Right Thing
A description of the podcast:
James and Sam have been friends and collaborators for over 20 years. They’ve worked on films and TV shows and commercials together and have written numerous scripts that lie unproduced in their shared Dropbox folder.
But James has a secret: he hasn’t actually seen that many movies. And Sam, who’s a bit of a film snob, has been giving him a hard time about it for years. As James enters undeniable middle age, he has finally promised to catch up on some of the films he’s missed.
Every week or so, while Sam has to move his Subaru from one side of a Brooklyn street to the other (to appease the street-cleaning gods), they chat about a classic movie that James has somehow managed to avoid until now.
One film from each year of James’s life so far: 1973 to 2024…

The fourth single from
a new Fellwalker album
The fourth single from our upcoming new album
is now available on all streaming services.
Written and performed by James Lavino & Cynthia Hopkins.
With drumming by Dave King (The Bad Plus)
Mixed and produced by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
"The Lines"
The second single from
a new Fellwalker album
The second single from our upcoming new album
is now available on all streaming services.
Written and performed by James Lavino & Cynthia Hopkins.
With drumming by Dave King (The Bad Plus)
Mixed and produced by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
"The Opening"
The first single from
a new Fellwalker album
The first single from the new Fellwalker album
is now available on all streaming services.
Written and performed by James Lavino & Cynthia Hopkins.
With drumming by Charlie Hall (The War on Drugs).
Mixed and produced by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
My new podcast, Alternate Sides, has launched
A description of the podcast:
James and Sam have been friends and collaborators for over 20 years. They’ve worked on films and TV shows and commercials together and have written numerous scripts that lie unproduced in their shared Dropbox folder.
But James has a secret: he hasn’t actually seen that many movies. And Sam, who’s a bit of a film snob, has been giving him a hard time about it for years. As James enters undeniable middle age, he has finally promised to catch up on some of the films he’s missed.
Every week or so, while Sam has to move his Subaru from one side of a Brooklyn street to the other (to appease the street-cleaning gods), they chat about a classic movie that James has somehow managed to avoid until now.
One film from each year of James’s life so far: 1973 to 2023…

Or listen to the Series Intro here:
A great performance of
The mixed ensemble of the Young New Yorkers' Chorus, under the direction of Alex Canovas, performed my choral piece Nativity in concert in NYC on December 16, 2023.
For more information about Nativity, and to view the score, click HERE
A new recording of
Before the paling of the stars
Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum has released a new recording of my choral piece Before the paling of the stars as part of their Christmas album Sweet Was the Song.

click to stream this release:
Or listen here:
A new Fellwalker EP,
is streaming now
The third EP from Fellwalker, James's collaboration with Cynthia Hopkins, is available now on all streaming platforms.
Five new songs
Written and performed by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino.
with Dave King (The Bad Plus) on drums
Produced, recorded and mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the album:
Or listen to a sample track here:
A new Fellwalker EP,
is coming soon
The third Fellwalker EP will be released worldwide on February 15th.
Five new songs
Written and performed by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino.
with Dave King (The Bad Plus) on drums
Produced, recorded and mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

Love Is the Means,
the debut album from Fellwalker,
is out NOW
Our debut album is out. Ten songs.
Written and performed by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino.
With drumming by Charlie Hall (The War on Drugs)
and Dave King (The Bad Plus).
Mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.
click to stream the album:
Or listen to a sample track here:
"The Trees"
the fourth single from
the Fellwalker album
The fourth single from our forthcoming debut album is out now.
"The Trees" is available from all streaming services. (The Bandcamp release contains an exclusive track...)
Written and performed by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino.
With drumming by Dave King (The Bad Plus).
Mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
"What It's Like"
the third single from
the Fellwalker album
The third single from our forthcoming debut album is out now. "What It's Like" is available from all streaming services. (The Bandcamp release contains an exclusive track...)
Written by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino. Vocals by Cynthia Hopkins. Piano etc by James Lavino. Drums by Charlie Hall (The War on Drugs).
Mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
"Liner Notes"
the second single from
the Fellwalker album
The second single from our forthcoming debut album is out now. "Liner Notes" is available from all streaming services. (The Bandcamp release contains an exclusive track...)
Written and performed by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino.
Mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
"Seriously Though"
the first single from the Fellwalker album
The first single from our forthcoming debut album is out now. "Seriously Though" is available from all streaming services.
Written and performed by Cynthia Hopkins & James Lavino. Drumming by Dave King. Mixed by Nick Krill. Mastered by Alex DeTurk.

click to stream the single:
Or listen here:
Never Here
The third piece in this new series of piano transcriptions, Never Here, is now available. The piece comes from the score to Camille Thoman's film Never Here (2017).
click to view / download:
hear the track:
click to stream the full album:
Two pieces of piano music from the film Never Here. The film, which was originally released in 2017, stars Mireille Enos and Sam Shepard (in his final role) and was directed by Camille Thoman.

click to stream this release:
Or listen to a sample track here:
Reza and Kayhan
The second piece in this new series of piano transcriptions, Reza and Kayhan, is now available. The piece comes from the album Improvisations One (2018).
click to view / download:
hear the track:
click to stream the full album:
The Girl from Glen Dale
Announcing the launch of a series of piano transcriptions of music by James Lavino. The first piece, "The Girl from Glen Dale", from the 2018 album Improvisations One, is now available.
click to view / download:
hear the track:
click to stream the full album:
The second EP from Fellwalker, my collaboration with Cynthia Hopkins, has been released, and is available to stream everywhere.
Includes a cover of "We Work the Black Seam", from Sting's 1985 album The Dream of the Blue Turtles.

click to stream the full EP:
Or listen to a sample track here:
The soundtrack album for the four-part HBO documentary series has been released. The series is streaming now on HBO Max.

click to stream the full album:
Or listen to a sample track here:
The debut EP from Fellwalker, my collaboration with Cynthia Hopkins, has been released, and is available to stream everywhere.

click to stream the full EP:
Or listen to a sample track here:
More information can be found over at the Fellwalker website.
A soundtrack album for the HBO documentary series Murder on Middle Beach will be released on all streaming services on Sunday, November 22nd.
But you can hear it on YouTube right now.

The third single from Fellwalker, my collaboration with Cynthia Hopkins, has been released.
"Time Moves" is available to stream everywhere.

More information can be found over at the Fellwalker website.
A trailer has been released for the four-part HBO documentary series Murder on Middle Beach. I am currently completing work on the series score.
The series will premiere on HBO Max on Sunday, November 15th, at 10pm.
NOTE: Not my music in this trailer...
The second single from Fellwalker, my collaboration with Cynthia Hopkins, has been released.
"By the Ocean" is available to stream everywhere.

More information can be found over at the Fellwalker website.
The debut single from Fellwalker, my collaboration with Cynthia Hopkins, has been released.
"Heaven & Hell (all over again)", which features drumming by Dave King (The Bad Plus) is available to stream everywhere.

More information can be found over at the Fellwalker website.
A teaser trailer has been released for the four-part HBO documentary series Murder on Middle Beach. I am currently completing work on the series score.
The series will premiere on HBO Max on Sunday, November 15th, at 10pm.
NOTE: Not my music in this teaser...
I composed the score for a documentary feature film called On The Trail.
It premieres on HBO Max on August 6th, 2020.
The film, which is directed by Katie Hinman & Toby Oppenheimer, follows three reporters for CNN as they cover the 2020 presidential campaign.
More info in this Deadline story.
Cynthia Hopkins and I have been working on a five-song EP. The songs were written and recorded in our homes during the COVID-19 lockdown. The EP features drumming by Dave King (The Bad Plus). Visit the Fellwalker site for more info and music.

This website has undergone a complete redesign. I am in the process of adding additional material and updating the archive. Check back soon...